Friday, December 12, 2008

My Sewing Room

Lots of people ask me about my sewing room, so here it is. I love it! My husband helped me set it ip several years ago.
Many years ago, my father purchased an old library table that had been painted many, many layers of paint. He refinished the table and it turned out so beautifully! The table has two large drawers that I use for my sewing tools. The table is also tall enough that it doesn't hurt my back to sit and sew. I put the table up on blocks when I baste quilts so that I don't have to get on my knees
I have a large closet that holds all my projects and extra stuff. I also have shelves lining one whole wall with all my fabric and books on it. The opposite wall has my design wall on it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW. You are so organized. What a great work space.